Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Well i got a phone call last Thursday from my solicitor saying an indictment had been served and i needed to be in court on Tuesday 17th February so yesterday. Yesterday was also my 30th birthday which seemed fitting seeing how my life seems to be going at the moment.

My solicitor is useless. On the phone he told me to bring photocopies of the character references i've got. He asked me yesterday for the originals. You told me to bring photocopies i said.. Why would i do that are you stupid he replied which pissed me off straight away, so it ended up in an argument with me saying "If you asked me to bring originals, why would i not do that? Tell me why i wouldn't? Do you think i think this isn't important??". He then basically said that the social worker and probation office reports the judge will get and the character references will make no difference whatsoever so i have to be back in court on the 17th March for sentencing and that'll be me in prison for a while i expect.

i was booked in the insolvency court on the 25th March for the bankruptsy but i've had to bring that forward to the 24th February so i'll be declared bankrupt next Tuesday and have to sort all my stuff out and get it stored somewhere before being back in court in Edinburgh on the 17th.

On a much much lighter note, and i expect others have noticed this too, but on the Churchill advert on TV at the moment with Rolf Harris in it, has anyone else noticed Rolf's "cum face" in the last few seconds of the ad, when it seems by the look on his face he has just ejaculated all over his digery do??? Please watch the video on youtube below and let me know what you think?!


Rosie said...

Mwahahaha Rolf's sex face. CAn you tell what it is yet?

Good luck with everything else

ROSSI said...

how long do you think you will get in prison m8, it aint like prison break!! (i presume this would be your first sentence) so dont be overly worried and depending on what sentence you get you will actually only serve maybe half.

You would be suprised how easy it is these days, tv's/duvets/playstations etc etc.

Best advice, keep your head down, be polite to the staff, keep everyone at arms length and dont show any weakness/let people take liberties and keep outta trouble. Try and get a job as a wing cleaner or servery worker which is the easiest and you will fly through it.

Plenty of poker games in prisons these days during association so you will clean up there!!!

Hope it goes ok for ya anyway

cashbiatch said...

Good luck mate x

Small Stakes Poker said...

gl gl

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