Thursday, April 08, 2010

Rant Post

1. Why do people display their bronzestar status to other players on pokerstars?? WELL DONE, you have the ENTRY level reward star, fucking RETARDS.

2. Fuck off you little Brazilian Rafael TWAT

3. Pokerstars players are all mouthy WANKERS... Am going to start just calling the mod everytime they start.

that is all


ROSSI said...

lol at players showing their bronze star. Why show anyone anything, unless your SNE playing a $5 stt for giggles!!!

Some real gobshites on Stars

Joppa Road said...

I promise I didn't laugh too hard last night. How sweet it was. The best bit though was Fergie and "them Germans"


United113 said...

joppa where have you been????

Shit tactics last night, Rafael shouldn't have started...

At least you lost to the best team in the world..