Thursday, February 04, 2010

John Terry - "Dad of the year"

You can't make this up. Doing a bit of digging on google on John Terry, it doesn't take too much work to find out about a promotions company called Riviera Entertainment who were promoting him to businesses for corporate work and sponsorship for the 2010 world cup:

"Sportsmail revealed yesterday that a PR company appointed by Terry’s agents had contacted businesses touting for commercial endorsements.

Riviera Entertainment offered businesses the chance to boost their profile by being associated with the England captain."

Shouldn't being the England Captain mean that you will try your hardest to win the World Cup and you expect the best from the players around you and will motivate them to be the best they can be?? Or is it so you can tout yourself to earn more money then the £150k a week you earn at Chelski?

Should we expect anymore from a player who was goin gto sign for Arsenal and now says he is "chelsea through and through" apart from when Manchester Shitty come in with super money for you and you have to think about it for a while before turning it down.

Give the captaincy to Rooney. Who will try harder and be more proud to be the Captain? He's also our best player..

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